We always hope you love all things lisapack, but should you be less than happy with your product purchase, please follow the steps below to return it.

1. Please contact customer service on our site, indicating the item(s) you would like to return and the reason.

2. Put the returned goods in the original packaging.

3. Return the product to the following address

4. Most returns are processed within 5 business days after we receive your package. Once your refund has been issued, you will receive a confirmation email.

Return Conditions

1.If you would like to return or exchange the item please contact us within 30 days of delivery.

2.All returns should be wrapped securely in the same packaging in which the items were originally received.

3.We do not accept returned items that have been sent back without proper returns requests.

4.Please be sure to double-check your returns before shipping them out. We are not responsible for the return of non-LISAPACK products .